Wednesday, July 30

I won't post another post with a youtube video for the next post.
I promise I'll be more creative for you. but shit what do i really care about you?

Bears Beets Battlestar Galactica

The Office is a American mock-umentary modeled after a British Mock-umentary
about Dundler Mifflin a Paper company in Scranton PA
here are some short clips of Dwight vs Jim
(Jim = guy pulling pranks)

... added bonus...

Ste[ph]en [Blog] Bonus "Lazy Scranton" video

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Official Trailer

thank me. actually thank J.K Rowling...
heres a link to a high quality version here

those books were so great.
warner brothers is on fire with all these A+ movies

Monday, July 28

a demo with no purpose.

I think i might've said that i'd record myself playing some bass/guitar sometime.
but i never get to it because my camera is always outta batteries (aka i am lazy)
however I had made a recording of a demo... pah!
its very rough because i only tried to record and loop a buncha instruments.
this is that once ^^
i came into my head because i was playing Blink-182's always and my computer's shuffle played Muse's Starlight.

maybe someday i'll try making something cool...
at the same time there a better chance of me passing organic chemistry.

p.s this abomination was never meant to see the light of day
i fucking laugh each time i see the word LESSO pass by...

Saturday, July 26

Top [11) : reasons to hit a CONCERT

this is my first go at a list... please be a bloody critic of what i say.
get your cd, arm, penis, boob, and tshirt signed by a band member in permanent marker that technically is far from permnenant if oyu ever want to take a shower or wash our clothes ever again....
spend you parents hard earned $$$ on totally rad tshirts and gear that is totally cool at the concert. (but immediately becomes lamer and lamer once you leave
Get the lead singer/guitarist to look your way and you feel like you been blessed by the eyes of someone greater than jesus himself
show of
f your hipist hipster gear, tatoos, neon purple tshirts, trendy necklaces, piercings to all those other scene kids doing exactly the same thing.
elbow, knee, and kick
your way past wussy girls and guys alike to the front. violence in a subtle manner is the key.
for guys:
check out hot alternative rocker chicks that is almost 99% of the time Jailbait. (even if they will never even notice you because the epically hotter band member with skinny tie is within sight)
for girls:
dress like a complete groupie and hope someone in the band will have sex with you so you can keep the std as a souvenir forever.(btw asian alternative rockers are the hottest species of asian girl that exist in the wild)
you get to cease feeling your heart beat and only hear what the bassist and drummer are doing. literally you will feel the music as if it were a jackhammer that was strapped to your chest and set on destroy.
Enough Pyrotechnics, Lazerz, Lights, and Strobes
... to give a blind man a epileptic seizure the likes of havent been seen since the days of the pikachu cartoon faisco
crowd surf on top of adoring fans (also a bad thing... adoring fans hate the fact that your landing your leg, body, and crotch on their head and will likely punch, grope, or manhandle you till your off them)
You get to take infinite pictures and video footage of your favorite bands live. (camera whore that bitchin concert up and use a compact canon and not your fucking phone. phone is not superior or cool)

fuck you i dont like to count down from 11 this time around...
(Honda civic Tour 07' last year fucking rocked)
the 11th and better than 1st reason why you should attend a concert is and i quote myself "Great Live Music?! you dumbass." (unless you went to a sound of animals fighting concert and got bamboozled out of 20 good dollars to see totally cracked out high people on mushrooms make noises on stage that would make a blind deaf mute cry)

if you're a fat...obese, large, guy/gal and!! you have body oder... please dont try to get to the front of the crowd... your wasting space that 2-3 skinnier nicer smelling chicks could use... there i said it.

excuse me for my bad language during this post... when i think of concerts the only thing in my head is "fucking rad bitch!"


this may be the last time i do this sunday segment. i'll probably fill it up with pictures of my raw awesomeness to make up for the loss.


Friday, July 25

my stabbing my own hand whilst making limeade has impaired my will to type.
i'll be back soon...

Wednesday, July 23

Limeade. fucking limeade

BLOOD EVERYWHERE, OVEREACTIONS PLENTY, 1 CM deep!, will i ever play bass again?
for the record i was makin me some sweet limeade..
sweet sweet limeade...


Top 11 cuz 10 just doesnt cut it

this will be a new weekly segment for me.
where I point out the TOP [11] things that i feel topping that week...

why 11 you say? because 22 is my lucky number and so is 2... and since i cant top 22 things because thats just ridiculous and i cant top 2 things because there are probably more than 2 awesome things of each topic that i can top! I chose to top 11 things and since each of those items i top will be worth twice as much since i am awesome that means i will be topping 22 things in the disguise of topping 11 things.
... get it? 11 x 2 =22, my lucky number.

coming soon... (as if you can wait)

Salty Eyes.

The Matches - Salty Eyes, i saw them in concert sometime ago at the 930

They broke some sorta record for breaking old television sets. at 2:12 a guy drops it on his foot and he goes "F*CK!!"

my camera broke so i'll be blogging about the interesting bullshit that i see everyday soon enough.

Tuesday, July 22

Cure your Boredom with Weeds

This is a HBO satirical comedy series about a widowed house wife and weed
watch it. its definately rated R at timesS|n

what really happened to the unicorns...


Sunday, July 20

Proof, bitch.

Proof that the wombat is a growing trend in trendiness,
wear one on your next bag or stick one in your pocket.
dont dispute.


sensitivity training... enjoy


yes it was that good.

i have no words to say other than. bloody brilliant.

Saturday, July 19

Passerby Song!

check out her myspace and listen to the complete "PASSERBY" song, such strong emotion.

this video is her singing the sweet song live beautifully! thank me someday.

Friday, July 18


got my 4 wisdom teeth pulled out.
the god damnmutha fukin painnnnnn

STE[PH]EN [BLOG] : Bonus Extra!

so i felt like giving you some extra awesome sauce on top of my warped tour pictures. so here are some videos i uploaded for your pleasure. the mic on my camera is fail. so all you hear when there is loud bass is garble dribble. GO SEE MY OTHER 2 WARPEDTOUR POST FOR MORE!

Gym Class Heroes song where they make you put a peace sign up and a index down and repeat.

Angels and Airwaves during The Adventure. Front row madness!

Cobra Starship during the song Guilty Pleasure, front row madness again

360 view of Warped tour at the end of the day when they close the other main stage.
I got this shirt because Nick told me to. plus when worn by a asian person in college its a +1


so i find myself heading towards Cancun on August 2nd-August 7th
for a 5 day trip into what i hear is a very sweet drunken beach fest that dreams are made of... right?
then my daydream gets crashed by the fact that...
i'm GOING DURING HURRICANE SEASON.Will STEPHEN enjoy nice sun and alchoholic beverage?
Will STEPHEN swim with deadly sharks against his parent's wishes?
Will STEPHEN die from hurricane force winds on what should've been a nice vacation?
stay tuned

most amazing life changing picture EVER.

took this picture in front of the air and space museum by putting the camera on timer and putting it on the ground face up towards the sky at the bottom of the reflective mirror monument in front of the building.
not photoshoped or stolen click it to see the whole thing!
i'm proud of my work. so say nice things to make me happy.

The Trip to D.C

went to the museum because my cousins came to visit from california.
These little guys Above!
the ceiling of the museum was the only interesting thing to take a picture of really...
I made this post thinking i'd post a group picture...
but all the other parents have those on their cameras'
cousins are cute. museums are a snore.

Tour de Warped. SNAPSHOT!

here is another snapshot segment where you present to you some exceptional awesome pictures.
This pig was 4 people behind me during the Cobra Starship performance... wtf right?
This guy just passed out on the grass and trash and stuff... i thought it was funny

Totally [Warp]ed Part II

Here is part Deuce of my Warped Tour Experience. enjoy you silly bastard.
Oh snap Stephen gets to the front row and is inches away from touching GABE from COBRA STARSHIP!! thats my hand on the left side!
Crowd during Gym Class Heroes...
Put your Cobra's tot he sky! Cobra Starship crowd
Say Anything!
G-A-B-E Gonna get you HIGH! he signed shit!
too bad i didnt beat the other 5,000 chicks to get in line for signing. sigh
Tom from AVA playing that I-Empire, i got to get to the front row for this one
Gabe swinging and shaking hips like a monkey
KEYFUCKINGTAR bitches, hot victoria on the keytar
They were the best band at warped tour, COBRAS TO THE SKY!
jack's mannequin with a cameo from the academy is... during the song LA LA LA
That guy can play the loving shit outta his piano.
The Academy Is... (too tired to get into the crowd for this one)
Angels and Airwaves Tom's guitar was spankin hot.
This guy has a awesome but crappy job. look at all those buttons!