Wednesday, October 21

red phone win!

Monday, October 12

What song should i try to cover?

VSA Date Auction and Fact Talent Show this year
Metric - Gimmie Sympathy

Metric - Twilight Galaxy

Blink 182 - Blew Job(i'll laugh so hard if i sing this)

Flobots - No Handlebars
(ROFL i'll scream and rap this one)

Blink 182 - 1 m1ss you

owl city - saltwater room

owl city - fireflies

Noah and the Whale - 5 years time (i'd make phillip at least accompany me on ukelele)

I'm open to suggestions.

Thursday, October 8

Proof i got reaaaaaallyy close @virginfest...

spot my hand! in the where's waldo of the blink world!

there we go! you can see my hand! bracelet and the gleem of my watch!
epic front rowness...

A picture I promised.


Wednesday, October 7

contemplating getting another tattoo very soon.
"whoever who saves one man saves the world entire"

Hope you like the new layout. It was time for a change...
i needed a fluid structure to view this blog on my netbook without crying. hope you don't miss the old one too much

My Grandpa surprises me...

At my grandmother's funeral there was a odd looking white man in attendence that gave a short eulogy on my grandparents involvement in his life. the eulogy lasted less than a akward minute or so. I later talked to this man and found out that he was a vietnam vetern and that he and my grandpa were apart of this nonprofit 501.3c charity called the

Children Support Association

apparently he had been helping children on medical and humanitarian missions for years! under my nose!
so i'mma jump on this and help them out as soon as i have time to focus on it...
uNAVSA CPP 2010-2011 anyone?


BLINK 182 @ VA BEACH update soon

I needa get some pictures from diana and i'll be posting a review of that show...
you know i'll be using the word awesome and super rad alot... so just imagine it where this picture is...
