Thursday, October 30

Matt vs Stephen

Matt decided to wage war against me and my blog.
and i had to defend all i hold dear.
so i put the contents of his wallet in Jellonext day he thought everything was safe...
but i upped the ante and placed his wallet shit and keys in ICE

to be continued.

Declaration of Awesome: Deep Fried Dollar Bill?

Diana asked me to blog about my new/notsonew JOB!
here is what i know
i work at a restaruant.
I and the chef are planning on deep frying a dollar bill tempura style.
and i Stephen Nguyen will eat this Dollar bill and like it.
yummy? we shall see
To be continued...

Ste[ph]en [Blog]s Blogcast #VIII :the mildly entertaining heavily long unedited blogcast.

fuck roman numerals. VI? VII? VIII? my 7th blog is now my 8th.
because counting is for school children.
This blogcast i call up some random awesome friends and you the listener gets to bear witness to what happens.
Interviews with
and much much more!
the blogcast is either down because you all rushed to listen to it all at once...
its because its long as balls. sorry bout this one

Monday, October 27

i give up on semiformals...


my childhood pyro-friend...
certain people who thought friendship doesn't need any upkeep.
those old things that were done.
aren't new. they aren't you.
I'll disconnect from the web of lies.
leave a pile of long forgotten goodbyes.

Dear Blog [update come wednesday]

dear blog.
Stephen got a job.
and is making a little monies to do soe amazing things.
i will continue blogging come October 29th.
I also have been working on my 7th and best yet blogcast.
stay fresh and stay on the look out come Wednesday

Friday, October 24

Tenxing Sherpa told me that i have to turn on the comments on my blog...
so that... i have to essentially let you comment.
pshh... here you go. see if i care!

***update this just in i DO care.

Sunday, October 19

Ste[ph]en [Blog]s : OFFICIAL MERCH STORE!

rofl this is a horrible idea... but i see it as the best idea!
I made this thing so you can buy things designed by Ste[ph]en [Blog]
Ste[ph]en [Blog]s : OFFICIAL MERCH STORE!
click the this link to enter the store!

the money that you spend buying the shirt...
will not make me rich so dont order 1,000 thinking i'll profit ;)

Saturday, October 18

Declaration of the Awesome: work it out.

so yeah this video is just pure ... Awesome...
this is my new segment Declaration of the Awesome.
where i declare things awesome. period

Friday, October 17

i did another art!

i was making this website design for the breakology for the fun of it.
but tenzing sherpa has a much simpler and super awesome design that he will be using instead. so i present for you another art i did!

Thursday, October 16

Ste[ph]en [Blog]s Bonus Blogcast Super Sparkle Supreme Special!

heck yeah it happened a super blogcast special! interviews crazy stories and a cowboy!
11minutes of lovelyness

Tuesday, October 14

Phillip and Ten like to eat.

we ate at the galaxy diner down in carytown.
phillip and ten had to get the most homo food on the menu.
the NUCLEAR DOG. some sorta hotdog with everything on it.
I'd rather eat the other white meat.
hot dogs that size should be illegal

art i did?

did some photoshopping for the olde org again. had a little fun with this stuff this time around...
halloween party flyer and my tshirt submission.
p.s post on the new wall on the right side
of the blog and leave me a message!----->

Monday, October 13

President Clinton came to town

sameplace we had the charity concert!
it was at the commons plaza and everyone and their mom was there.. seriously i've never see anything like it.
Bill Clinton came to town and we had a hoot.
we traded stories and talked about his exploits after being president...
haha what the fuck am i saying... he just did a crazy stump speech.seriously

Sunday, October 12

Orlando's epic bonfire.

man orlando's last bonfire was epic awesomesauce...
fun and madd props for orlando and his family for hosting the crazy festivities many years in a row now... so sad that it is the last bonfire of orlando's that we will go to ever.
what will i do now?
it was so crazy how like 300+ people showed up...
jungle juice and liqour and beer going fast like no ones business.oh yeah thats annie.. my sister... she said i needed a haircut. i beg todiffer.
thanks michael for the pictures!