Sunday, August 31

A Great Speech.

This is such a heartening speech that I absolutely love.
it makes you think about things.

no explanation.

yeah. wtf?
p.s i plan on getting a tattoo sometime soon.
parents might murder me...
start dialing 91 and when i say so dial 1 again.....

Wednesday, August 27

Mixtape By Clinton Sparks [decaydance and fob]

So I've collected quite a few mixtapes and mega mashups and party mixes over the year and my favorites have always been ones with rock songs and hip hop intertwined.
this one is a pleasure to listen to but not really material to play during a party
I'm playing a clip of it on my site which in my professional opinion as a awesome guy
to download it you gotta give them your email and click the download link in the email they give you... torrent it there

Patrick Stump is a talented songwriter and musician


not enough people like the arctic monkeys.

there music is rough and this voice is unique and their style is sweet.
i bet you look good on the dancefloor
from the ritz to the rubble
riot van
old yellow bricks
do me a favour
the only ones who know
start expanding your musical borders.

i am artsy

i made a flyer tonight.
looks cool...
now if only i can photoshop my face to look like jesus.
oh yeah come and party.
i'll buy you a drink if you give ya wink
(oh snap i rhymed a original gimme a cookie)


Wednesday, August 20

school is cool

school is starting
post may be fewer but will compensate with more greatness and awesomesauce.
thank you for sucking my balls.

Sunday, August 17


A jewish Paul Rosenblog(paul rosenberg) reminded me he existed...
he came out with a song that i absolutely love for its strong lyrical emotion.
"Hailie's Song" its like a positive "Stan"
word of note:white people should rap unless they are black or absolutely bonkers

Saturday, August 16

Yang Wei and Phillip... brothers?

I was watching the Men's All around olympics... (yes its sadly that homoerotic) but i really wanted to watch it to cheer on my friend Phillip (AKA YANG WEI)
I cant tell the difference... can you?

Both are Strong
Both are Chinese
Both have Faux Hawks
Both are Pale
Same Height
did i mention they are Chinese???
so the real story is... was phillip adopted like a baby shilo and seperated from his twin?


Yes Dwight's Centathlon...

number 4 is me?

A Sherpa once told me that
"number 4 is you"

I never understood until now
Boy ofthe So y(aka me) my awesome should be bottled and sold in high class liqour stores...
"TENZING SHERPA" (12:40:39 AM): haha . have to be over 21 to purchase
Boy ofthe So y (aka me) you must be "this" tall in order to drink
"TENZING SHERPA"or you must be this awesome to drink haha

Thursday, August 14

Dave Grohl has rad style

So Phillip was always calling me "Knight Kats" because of the shirt i love to wear all the timei bought the shirt last summer at a lucky brand jeans near some farmers market in California for the stupidly high price of $44.00 fuckin dollars. (yeah i loved the "berlin"ness of the shirt that much)
so warp forward a buncha months and i was sitting here watching the "The Pretender" music video from the Foo Fighters, lo and behold Dave Grohl was wearing the Knight Kats Shirt in the famous music video and apparently it's his favorite shirt too!
awesome? yes
rad? absolutely
Blog worthy? questionable

I think i just made Dave Grohl cooler....
or maybe he made me cooler....
I'd prefer the latter

p.s i need to add that Dave Grohl looks like Jesus on rock


a good friend Edric Chan of mine and his new band b1end, I figure i'd give you my take on B1end's music as a self declared music mongrel(isnt that a animal? i mean monger).
(if you dont like me reviewing things then your outta luck because your not my mom!)
They are having their CD release party this August 15th 2008
B1end is more Acoustic R&B and Pop group more so than a rock group.
their music and lyrics are original yet very much unrefined and confused at times. when they play tracks that move nearer towards smooth acoustic jason mrazy songs it gets its message across exceptionally well, but when i hear the more r&b tracks i begin to wonder why they would need a "group" to accomplish end product, case and point "make babies" is trying way to hard on the r&b end. "to do list" and "perfect sky" are the tracks I'd recommend listening to
to do list's riff sounds a little too familiar to the guitar riff at 23 seconds into red hot chili peppers "soul to squeeze"
leave a note on their myspace and definately encourage their work or check out their first concerts at the national.

I'm sticking to my alternative rock genre.
the cd release party?
maybe i'll go to..err...."make babies"
much support edric chan!

blogger fcked with all my links in the last post.
sorries i dunno html enough to fix it. its fubar.
update Tenzing Sherpa the IT and master of all webmasters told me how to fix my links.


POST [100] it happened! break out the the good Jager!
its about time I try to get you to add something to your stale playlist to spice it up. I'm going to take a look at the Line up for the Motion City Soundtrack's Headlining Tour thats coming to "The National" September 30th @ richmond
(buy a ticket and jump around and crowd surf with me!)
opening for MCS are
Chiodos, Hit the Lights, and PersonL...
(hit the links for myspace pages)
my great friend the Tenzing Sherpa likes em and thats all i need to know.
hes getting a tattoo
(a big one not a small one like you pansies out there) Tattoo makes him legit
"TENZING SHERPA": ill go to the motion city show with you
"TENZING SHERPA": i like chiodos
hear that ladies?! its got his stamp of approval which by relation gets my stamp of approval so go and tell him to tattoo my glorious face on his ass... ok that came out wierd
(thats Kenny of The Starting Line Fame)
is a sideproject of The Starting Line's lead singer Kenny
it isnt as catchy as TSL's "best of me" or other great singles but the Kenny is a talented songwriter so i expect to be impressed whilst hoping he do a cover of a TSL song...
Hit the Lights
is definately a new kid on the block in my mind considering i havent heard any of their songs or of them themselves for awhile... (and i try to stay on top of music...)
their music is something that just sounds right... they arent trying tooo hard like metro station or overly pop candy celebrity music like some jonas 'cough' bros..
its alternative rock as it should be growing up into for the new century.
they get minus 1 pint for being a 5 person band instead of the 4 they should be... lead singer needs to learn to play teh guitar to gain cool points
(i like their album so far its pretty decent listening)
download "don't wait" and "cry your eyes out"

and if your not there for Motion City Soundtrack you my friend have issues
[Everything is Alright][fell in love without you][the future freaks me out][perfect teeth][LGFUAD(lets get fucked up and die)][fell in love without you(acoustic)][ antonia]....
fuck it just LISTEN TO THEM ALL!
(if you have them all then your alright)
(Thats a sweet jumping picture... even i would be proud)
Thanks buying STE[PH]EN [BLOG] brand nonsense!
to commemorate this 100th posting here is a cool run on sentence
1,796 visits from over 300
blokes like you...
(enough to start my own spartan army)
...hailing from the following places
International: Ireland, Australia, Malaysia, China, Taiwan, Canada, Vietnam, Japan, England, and Germany
Domestically USA: Washington D.C, Virginia, Maryland, New York, California Connecticut, North Carolina, Georgia, Illinois, Hawaii.
I appreciate the interest in this totally useless blog thanks and cheers!

Wednesday, August 13

Texas De Brazil.

So i went to this restaurant today with my cousin Ollie and Vicky
Texas De Brazil
This place was really really really good the steak and the cocktail and the decor of the place...
the buffet had tons of baby corn( i love baby corn ) and things like lobster bisque
This place puts Chima to shame. yup
Dress up/business dinner party with the friends coming soon? i think so!
lunch cost 20-30 dollars so its a bit off the $$ end but its worth it.

Tuesday, August 12

New Olympic Sport ; Slap Face

so i'm nearing the official 100th post superfun post for the blog
i will need to think of something special for thoust...
i'm not sure yet.

for now tho enjoy this clip from the new season of The Office 'SLAP FACE'

Monday, August 11

I've been having this itch since I was asked the question "what are you going to be? a doctor?" Its a yearning to be different ever since I've been born.
I've been wanting to feel like i'm heading on the right path
is money the top priority when choosing the path in life?
work in a good job for money, money is happiness because money equals security
and security gives you a life of predictable cushy lifestyle

I've always been a person who liked many many things biology, management, social science, psychology, charity, painting, history, philosophy, aquaculture, cooking, and traveling. yet I never fully trusted myself to have a complete passion to go 100% for any of them.

traversing into my 4th year now and i feel utterly lost as if i've been heading in all the wrong directions, as if the compass that i thought i knew was only a broken needle.

I know i don't want to live a typical life in the suburbs of Virginia.

yet my father is soon to retire, my mother is depending on me to find financial security asap, my parents wish me to be around to help them to move out of one house and permanently move to the other, I'm expected to marry a successful or semi successful tall Vietnamese girl that is respectable.

I have been working within the constrains that I believe I must live by and yet I've always questioned why.

maybe I'm not brave enough to break the bounderies of my fishtank
maybe its the debt I owe to my parents for bringing me up in a peaceful suburban lifestyle
maybe its because I am a victim of what I believe is the norm or the expected conformation
maybe I am afraid of not living by the vietnamese american standard
maybe I dont know who I am
maybe I am just that fearful of the fact that I know who I am and what i want to be.

Sunday, August 10

the world just got a little less funny but heaven just got a little funnier

Bernie Mac! noooo
the Bernie Mac Show, Oceans 11, and all those movie cameos...
he died today and that just womps.
"When I get a chance to play golf or go on a boat with good people, take the boat out and put some lobsters on the grill, get the ice-cold beer and the cigars - that's heaven here on earth"
why oh why didnt Carlos Mencia bite the dust?

Saturday, August 9

olympics are here
opening ceremony was amazing... chinese people have too much time on their hands...

begin chanting
U.S.A...U.S.A...U.S.A!... in annoying crowd chant voice
if USA doesnt win i cheer on canada, australia, japan, and maybe germany

a most rad tshirt.

This t-shirt embodies some of the color style i like on my was a girls tshirt but if it came in a men's form i'd buy it.
if i ever see a femme on the street with this shirt i'd hug her.

Friday, August 8

when i jump you jump we jump

on a vacation there is nothing better to do than take jumping pictures.

the air time on photo#2 is sick

when will i see a end?

what does it mean to pretend?
i have to sit by and pretend i don't love her
her presence is all but not here
this feeling.... of my despair
there's only one thing i wish to see
her with my soul...feelings willing to give
i think about her everyday
if the start hadnt started this way
its my time to pretend
for this feeling will never ever end

i'll lock my soul
guard its treasure
no weakness my armor will reveal
my vunerability that does exist
for her just to be with
just to be with me.
to see this this story to its happy end


Thursday, August 7


Oh, I'm ready for it
Come on, bring it.
Oh, I'm ready for it
Come on, bring it.

So kiss me goodbye.
Honey, I'm gonna make it out alive.
So kiss me goodbye.
I can see the venom in their eyes.

p.s where the fck do i buy it now that its legal in the us!
ight be a day or two till a blog what my experience with Cancun...
lets see
there was a peacock
a monkey
too much alcohol
blue sky
blue beach
drunken stuff
some fun stuff
lots of sweating.

check back in a day or so and i'll have some useful stuff for you to digest.

i'll keep the cancun post short and sweet i think.

Saturday, August 2

Gone Going Gone!

I'm going to be gone for at least a period of 5 days unless there is a free computer to use in cancun that isnt in a mexican language..
so here are fun loving pictures for your enjoyment.
unicorns wombats and kittens er...

cute kittens

Extra:Years Ago... I went to mexico I met a fellow monkey
this time around there will be no monkeys and no group of asians...
i'm on my own captain.
will it annoy people on the airplane if i act like i have a horrible fear of flight?
lets find out.... hahahaha