Saturday, June 14

Meet Apollo and Apollo's Home

this is old news to some but new news to others,
my guitar case got painted and it looks awesome in my very own opinion, it was painted by a soon to be famous artist named Ste[ph]en. He also painted a 2nd one that has yet to be photographed but presides with a young singer/guitarist named Christy Maresco hers is even more sweet.
I named my Bass Apollo, its a Antique white and black fender J/P bass crafted in the land of Japan and Korea.
The case is a vintage 70's fender bass case that was worth $400 dollars but i ruined for my own pure enjoyment.
(I bought it for cheap at a unknowingly dumb music pawn shop)

It was autographed by Mark Hoppus but as u can see it only says MarkHopp because my palm smudged away some of it while I was playing.
maybe i'll treat you to a video Apollo making some random noise... maybe not.
stay tuned to Ste[ph]en

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