Saturday, June 14

[Poli]tical [Bull]shit

I was a republican by birth heritage thing...
all older relatives grew me up with the mindset that I will blindly be a republican.
my aunt laughed at me during a dinner"what are you a democrat? a tall skinny person? vote for Barack Obama? he is a muslim! nooo Obama will just raise taxes and make us all poor." (i didnt dramatize that)
Shes voting for Mccain because he was in the Vietnam War and without the Vietnam War we wouldn't be here.....neways i'm a independent. I'll choose the better candidate that i feel is best for the future.I would technically vote for Ron Paul the conservative/republication/libertarian candidate but he cant win general election as a realist would readily know.
now our past is filled with
2000/Bush/Republican Fail war wtf?
2004/Bush/Republican Fail war isnt over wtf?
now in 2008

MCCAIN's policies are seemingly decent... except for the war.
Kieth Olbermann puts it correctly in this video

This is why I may never vote for the "republican" party ever again.
They are not conservative in their fiscal/foreign management
I'll vote for Obama... but when a real non neo conservative candidate with libertarian values has a shot at the white house i'll vote him...
Mccain.. thank you for serving out country but you should politically drop dead.
(election post will be rare ;))

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